Zurück Women account for more than half of workers in knowledge-intensive services

4. März 2021

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In 2019, 77.9 million people in the EU were employed in knowledge-intensive services, of whom 31.8 million were men and 46.1 million were women. Although women represent less than a half of all employed people in the EU (46%), they are in a majority in knowledge-intensive services (59%).

Across the EU, the share of women employed in knowledge-intensive services ranged from 50% in Malta and Luxembourg to 67% in Lithuania and Latvia in 2019.


Employment in knowledge-intensive services in the EU, 2019

Source dataset: htec_emp_reg2


At regional level, women accounted for the highest share of total employment in knowledge-intensive services in Central and Western Region in Lithuania (69%). This region was followed by Opolskie in Poland, Lower Normandy in France, South Finland and Swietokrzyskie in Poland - all with women accounting for 68% of employment in knowledge-intensive services.

At the other end of the scale, this share was the lowest in North Aegean (40%) in Greece, Spanish autonomous city Ceuta (41%) and two other regions in Greece: South Aegean and East Macedonia, Thrace (both 42%).


Women in knowledge-intensive services across regions, 2019

Source dataset: htec_emp_reg2


This article is part of a series of articles published in the run-up to the International Women's Day.


For more information:

  • In this article, the regional data are presented at NUTS 2 The names of the regions are in English.
  • Eurostat website section dedicated to science, technology and innovation
  • Eurostat database on science and technology
  • The UN website dedicated to the International Women's Day


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