Back Car travel dominates EU inland journeys

16 September 2019

© olegtoka/

The car is the dominant form of inland transport in all Member States compared with journeys by train, coach or bus. In 2017, travel by car accounted for 83.3 % of passenger-kilometres across the European Union (EU), compared with 8.8 % for coaches, buses and trolley buses, and 7.9 % for trains.

Among the EU Member States, the highest proportion of passenger-kilometres travelled by car was in Lithuania (91.1 %). For train travel, Austria had the highest proportion of passenger-kilometres (11.9 %) and for coaches, buses and trolley buses, Hungary had the highest proportion (21.1 %).

Infographic: EU citizens on the move, 2017

Source, Eurostat dataset tran_hv_psmod

This news item marks European Mobility Week celebrated each year from 16 to 22 September.

If you are interested on statistics on mobility, please consult our digital publication People on the move- statistics on mobility in Europe 

Digital publication: People on the move

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