Back Fewer cars stolen in most Member States

4 November 2019

© Daniel Jedzura/
Logo Statistics Explained

Police in the EU recorded on average 697 000 car thefts yearly over the period 2015 to 2017, a 29% reduction compared to the period 2008 to 2010 (yearly average 983 000). Between 2008 and 2017, there were downward trends in most EU Member States.

On average over 2015 to 2017*, the figures were highest in Luxembourg (328 police-recorded car thefts per 100 000 inhabitants), followed by Greece (269), Italy (257), Sweden (256), France (247) and Czechia (238). The lowest figures in the EU were observed in Slovakia and Estonia (both 31), Croatia (20), Romania (15) and Denmark (4).

Infographic: Car thefts

For more information, see the Crime statistics article in Statistics Explained.

*Data refer to only 2015 and 2016 for Luxembourg, France, Austria and Liechtenstein and only to 2015 for Belgium and Hungary


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