Back 14% of EU citizens report exposure to pollution

5 September 2019

© LanaElcova/
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In 2017 around 14% of the European Union (EU) population reported that they had been exposed to pollution, grime and other environmental problems in their local area. The share has remained close to 14% since 2012.

The EU figure conceals considerable variations between the different EU Member States. In 2017, Malta recorded by far the highest share of its population (26.5%) reporting that they had been exposed to pollution, grime or other environmental problems, while the next highest shares were recorded in Germany (24.5%) and Greece (20.3%). Rates of exposure to pollution, grime or other environmental problems were also above the EU average in Luxembourg, Latvia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Romania.


Map showing proportion of population exposed to pollution, 2017


At the other end of the range, the three Nordic Member States (Denmark, Finland and Sweden), together with Croatia, recorded some of the lowest exposure rates to pollution, grime or other environmental problems (between 6 and 8% of their populations). The Member State with the lowest share of the population reporting exposure to these environmental problems was Ireland, with 5.3%.


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