Back More women as environmental protection professionals

8 March 2022

© sdecoret/

In 2020, among people aged 15 years or over working as environmental protection professionals, the share of women slightly exceeded the share of men (50.5% compared with 49.5%).

This article is part of a series of articles published to mark International Women’s Day. This is related to the theme for the international day, which recognises the contribution of women and girls who are leading climate change adaptation, mitigation and response. 

Throughout the period of 2012 till 2020, the share of women working as environmental protection professionals fluctuated with small increases and decreases, until peaking in 2019, the first year that the share exceeded that of men (50.7% compared with 49.3%). 


Stacked bar graph: Share of men and women working as environmental protection professionals in the EU, 2012 - 2020, in %, aged 15+

Source dataset:  Eurostat special extraction from the EU-LFS


The most recent figures (third quarter of 2021) show that there were 54 230 women working as environmental protection professionals, compared with 49 580 men (a difference of 4 650). This represents 5.9 women working as environmental protection professionals out of every 10 000 total employed women (5.9 ‱), while representing 4.6 ‱ for men. 

For more information: 

Methodological notes: 

  • Environmental protection professionals in this article refer to category 'ISCO 2133 Environmental protection professionals', as defined under ISCO-08 classification


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