Retour Access to an indoor flushing toilet

19 novembre 2019

© Thanaphat Somwangsakul/

In 2018, an estimated 2.1% of people in the European Union (EU) lived in a dwelling without its own indoor flushing toilet. This represents a decrease of 1.2 percentage points compared with 2010 (3.3%).


Share of population not having access to an indoor flushing toilet, top 4, 2018

The source dataset is accessible here.


More than one in four people in Romania reported that their household did not have an indoor flushing toilet (27.7%). This was by far the highest share amongst the EU Member States. Romania was followed by Bulgaria (15.3%), Lithuania (10.6%), Latvia (9.9%) and Estonia (5.3%).


Share of population not having access to an indoor flushing toilet, 2018

The source dataset is accessible here.


In contrast, the share of dwellings with no flushing toilet was below 1% in 19 EU Member States, with the lowest shares in Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden (close to 0%).


Note: 2018 data of the EU have been estimated.


This news item is published on the occasion of World Toilet Day (19 November).


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