Retour Are you using social networks?

29 juin 2019

© Twin Design/

In the EU, 56% of people aged 16-74 participated in social networks in 2018. EU’s social network participation rate has steadily increased since the beginning of the data collection (38% in 2011).

Social network participation includes activities such as creating a user profile, posting messages or other contributions to social networks.

Among EU Member States, the social network participation rate was highest in Denmark (79%), ahead of Belgium (73%), Sweden and the United Kingdom (70%). At the opposite end of the scale, this share was below 50% in three Member States: France (42%), Italy (46%) and Slovenia (49%).  


 Participation in social networks in the EU, 2018

The source dataset is accessible here.


Among younger people aged 16 to 24 years, almost 9 in 10 people in the EU participated in social networks (88%). This share ranged from 77% in France and 79% in Italy to 97% in Czechia, Denmark and Croatia. 

Among older people aged 65 to 74 years, almost one fifth (19%) participated in social networks. This share ranged from 8% in Bulgaria and 9% in Greece to 46% in Denmark. 

This news item marks World Social Media Day (30 June).


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