Retour 3 out of 10 first-time asylum applicants are children

26 July 2021

© Ververidis Vasilis/

Logo Statistics ExplainedIn 2020, 129 630 children (persons under 18 years old) lodged a first-time application for asylum in the EU which corresponds to 31% of the total number of first-time asylum applications recorded in the EU. Among those children, 10% were unaccompanied minors corresponding to 3% of the total number of first-time asylum applicants.

Across the EU Member States, the share of children in the total number of first-time asylum applicants varied in 2020 from 54% in Germany to 6% in Slovakia, whereas the share of unaccompanied minors in the total number of first-time asylum applicants was the highest in Bulgaria (23%) and the lowest in Spain (0.1%). In Czechia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Hungary no applications from unaccompanied minors were registered in 2020.

Bar chart: First time asylum applicant children, 2020 data, EU and EFTA countries, share of children in the total amount of asylum applicants and share of unaccompanied minors, per country

Data sources:  migr_asyappctza and migr_asyunaa

Concerning the country of citizenship of minor first-time asylum applicants in 2020, more than half (52%) of the children had a citizenship of an Asian country, 22% an African, 13% an American and 9% had a European (non-EU) country citizenship. Syrian (25% of the total number of first-time asylum applicant children) was the main citizenship of the minor first-time asylum applicants in 2020.

The share of unaccompanied minors in the number of first-time asylum applicant children by continent was 15% for Asia and 11% for Africa, whereas this share was only equal to 2% for Europe (non-EU) and 1% for America. In 2020, the top country of citizenship of asylum applicants considered to be unaccompanied minors was Afghanistan (41% of the EU total of all applicants considered unaccompanied minors).

World map: First-time asylum applicant children, top 5 citizenships of applicants per continent (Africa, Asia, Europe and America), including stateless persons, 2020 data, EU

Data source: migr_asyappctza

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