Retour Oil products’ deliveries continue to plummet in April

17 juin 2020

© Kodda/

EU Member States have taken restrictive measures to slow down the spread of COVID-19 that have had an impact on the use of fuels for transport, such as limitations in international air traffic and people’s movements. These measures, which began in mid-March, were in full force during the whole month of April 2020.

Preliminary April data show that the decline in demand, which was observed in March 2020 for some transport fuels and in some countries, amplified and spread more widely across the EU.

In April 2020, EU* deliveries of gasoline and diesel fell by -34% and -21% respectively compared with the previous month when the measures began, and by -46% and -25% compared to January 2020 when there were no restrictive measures yet in place.

The air-traffic limitations had a major impact on kerosene, which includes kerosene-type jet fuel. In the EU, demand decreased by -63% and -75% compared to March and January respectively.

* For the purpose of this article, EU aggregates include 26 EU Member States, as data are not available for Greece.


EU deliveries of oil products used in transport (1 000 tonnes)

Source dataset: nrg_jodi


Deliveries of oil products declined across the EU

In April 2020, delivery of gasoline plunged in almost all the EU Member States, in many cases reaching new record lows (since the beginning of the time series in 2008). The largest quantity decreases compared with the previous month were observed in France (-311 000 tonnes, -58%), Germany (-250 000 tonnes, -20%), Italy (-203 000 tonnes, -55%) and Spain (-179 000 tonnes, -65%).

The deliveries of gas/diesel oil further decreased in most EU Member States. The sharpest drops in absolute value compared to the previous month were observed in France (-983 000 tonnes, -29%), Spain (-737 000 tonnes, -31%), Germany (-640 000 tonnes, -14%) and Italy (-485 000 tonnes, -30%).

Kerosene deliveries plummeted to new record lows. The largest decreases were observed in Germany (-410 000 tonnes, -62%), France (-279 000 tonnes, -70%) followed by Spain (-258 000 tonnes, -87%), the Netherlands (-131 000 tonnes, -58%) and Italy (-116 000 tonnes, -68%).

These are in addition to the decreases already registered in March 2020.


Oil products’ deliveries in EU Member States by fuel type, April 2020

Source dataset: nrg_jodi


For more information

  • Eurostat website section dedicated to energy statistics
  • Eurostat database of energy statistics
  • “What’s new” article on oil product deliveries in March 2020


Methodological note: The term ‘deliveries’ include deliveries or sales to the inland market (for domestic consumption), the amounts used as refinery fuel and deliveries to international marine bunkers and aviation bunkers.


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