Retour Join the European Statistics Competition 2020

18 octobre 2019


The European Statistics Competition 2020 is on! Secondary school students from 17 countries will compete, first at national and then at European level, in the third edition of this statistical literacy contest.

Teamwork to solve statistical problems

The European Statistics Competition (ESC) is a school-based competition in which teams of secondary school students compete against each other by solving statistical problems, searching for data and producing statistical analyses. The aim is to promote statistical literacy among the students, while encouraging teachers to use new educational materials based on official statistics.

As the competition reflects the different curricula across Europe, it is split into two phases:

1. The national phase, during which students compete against their peers in their own country using questions corresponding to their studies; and

2. A European phase, where the finalists represent their countries at European level and produce videos on a statistical topic.

12 000 students from 14 European countries participated last year

In October 2017, Eurostat and 11 countries jointly launched the first European Statistics Competition. Over 11,000 students took part. The winning videos had the best take on why European statistics matter in our societies today.

For the second edition of the ESC, which ran during the school year 2018-2019, 12 000 students from 14 countries participated. The two winning videos gave the most compelling interpretation of the topic ‘'Europe reflected in statistics'. Using official statistics, contestants had to demonstrate how their country or region compares with its European counterparts.

Welcome to new participating countries and introduction of a public choice award

The 2020 edition of the ESC has some differences compared with the previous one.

Firstly, four new countries are entering the European phase of the competition: Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania and Norway. This means that in 2020, students from Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain will be competing against each other. In addition, students from Romania can for the first time join a statistical competition at national level.

Another novelty is the introduction of a public choice award in several countries. This time you will be asked to actively participate in the search for the best videos!

How can your team join?

Registration for the national phase is open (soon) in most countries. Please go to the European Statistics Competition homepage for more information. 

Poster: European Statistics Competition 2019

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