Retour Interact with statistics for the European Green Deal

30 May 2022

Would you like to learn more about how Europe is doing in terms of the European Green Deal? Access our interactive visualisation tool for statistics on reducing our climate impact, protecting our planet & health and enabling a green & just transition.

The tool presents an overview of 26 indicators for the EU, the Member States and EFTA countries. Multiple functionalities are available to tailor the interactive visualisation to your needs and interests:

  • Customise your selection of countries and the length of the time series to be displayed
  • Choose between interactive line or bar charts
  • Display indicators using different units of measurement or breakdowns
  • Access underlying source datasets in the Eurostat database by using the links below each visualisation
  • Share the tool or customised interactive graphs on social media

The visualisation is updated automatically when new or revised data become available in the Eurostat database, thus always showing the most up-to-date situation. The tool has recently been updated with data on use of more hazardous pesticides and years of life lost due to PM2.5 exposure. 

Discover our interactive visualisation tool now:

Screenshot of the European Green Deal visualisation tool


This news is published on the occasion of the EU Green Week (30 May – 5 June).

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