DS NUTS > Legislation > EN > REVAMP

Base legislation

  • EU regulation 1059/2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS)

Amendments of the NUTS classification

Transmission of historical time series

  • EU regulation 2020/1703 on uniform conditions for the transmission of time series for the new regional breakdown pursuant to EU regulation 1059/2003
  • EU regulation 2018/1685 on uniform conditions for the transmission of time series for the new regional breakdown pursuant to EU regulation 1059/2003
  • EU regulation 2015/2381 implementing EU regulation 1059/2003 as regards the transmission of the time series for the new regional breakdown
  • EU regulation 1046/2012 implementing EU regulation 1059/2003 as regards the transmission of the time series for the new regional breakdown
  • EU regulation 11/2008 implementing EU regulation 1059/2003  as regards the transmission of the time series for the new regional breakdown

Territorial typologies

  • EU regulation 2019/1130 on the uniform conditions for the harmonised application of territorial typologies pursuant to EU regulation 1059/2003
  • EU regulation 2017/2391 amending EU regulation 1059/2003 as regards the territorial typologies (Tercet)

Other legislative acts

  • EU regulation 1137/2008 adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure laid down in article 251 of the Treaty to Council decision 1999/468/EC, with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny – Adaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny – Part One

Commission communications