Retour Housing visualised

9 décembre 2020

Have house prices or rents gone up or down in your country in recent years? How much greenhouse gas is emitted to heat up your home? Are housing costs more an overburden in cities than in rural areas? What share of the population live in owned or rented homes?

Answers to these questions and many more can be found in the interactive publication Housing in Europe – Statistics visualised released today by Eurostat.

This publication contains three parts:

  • How we live – contains data on whether we live in a house or flat and whether we own or rent. In addition, statistics on the size and quality of housing and on the environmental impact are included.
  • Housing cost – covers data on the evolution of house prices and rents in the last decade. It also shows statistics on the affordability of housing.
  • Construction – focuses on the evolution of the construction sector and also shows the most built up areas in Europe.

All data are presented through interactive visualisation tools. Here’s one example:

Have a look at the publication for more information! 

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