Retour Stem cell transplantation in the EU

11 octobre 2019

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In 2017, over 30 000 patients in the European Union (EU) received healthy blood-forming cells (stem cells) to replace their own that had been destroyed. The highest numbers of stem cell transplants were reported in Germany (7 700), France (5 500), Italy (5 100), the United Kingdom (3 800) and Spain (3 100; 2015 data).


Rate of stem cell transplantation highest in Germany

To make a sound comparison between countries, the absolute numbers of stem cell transplants across Member States need to be adjusted to the size of the population.

With 9.3 stem cell transplants per 100 000 inhabitants, Germany registered the highest rate among the EU Member States in 2017. It was followed by Italy (8.5), France (8.3), Sweden (8.1) and Lithuania (8.0).

At the opposite end of the scale, with no stem cell transplants in 2017, the lowest rates were recorded in Malta and Slovenia, followed by Romania (1.6), Bulgaria (2.0) and Cyprus (2.3).


Stem cell transplantation in the EU, 2017


This news item is published on the occasion of the European Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation (12 October).


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