Zurück Employees born outside EU: 22% with temporary jobs

18 June 2020

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In the European Union (EU), in 2019, more than one fifth (22%) of employees born outside the EU were employed on a temporary contract. In comparison, the share of people with a temporary contract among employees born in another EU Member State was 15%, while native-born employees with a temporary job had the lowest rate, standing at 13%.

In 2019,  across the EU Member States, the highest share of employees born outside the EU employed on temporary contracts was recorded in Poland (53%), followed by Spain (38%), Cyprus (33%), Portugal (29%), Sweden (26%) and the Netherlands (25%). By contrast, the lowest share was observed in Estonia (2%), followed by Latvia (4%), Austria (8%) and Ireland (10%).

For persons born in another EU Member State (other than the Member State of residence), the highest share of temporary employees in the total number of employees was recorded in 2019 in Spain (29%), followed by Portugal (24%), Greece (23%) and Italy (21%). At the opposite end of the scale, the lowest share of employees with a temporary job was observed in Hungary and Ireland (both 6%), Austria (7%), Luxembourg, Cyprus and Slovenia (all 9%).

In 2019, the share of temporary employees in the total number of native-born employees peaked in Spain (24 %), followed by Poland (21%), Portugal (19%) and Croatia (18%). By contrast, the lowest shares were observed in Lithuania, Romania (both 1%), Estonia, Latvia (both 3%) and Bulgaria (4%).


Infographic: Temporary employees by country of birth, 2019

Source data: lfsa_etpgacob

For more information, see the Statistics Explained article Migrant integration statistics - employment conditions

Note: The European Union (EU) includes 27 EU Member States. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Further information is published here.


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