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Total results: 270.

This interactive decision tool is for impact indicators:

I.10 Water Abstraction in Agriculture
I.11 Water Quality:
I.11-1 Gross Nutrient Balance (GNB) (Gross Nitrogen Balance (GNB-N) and Gross Phosphorus Balance (GNB-P))
I.11-2 Nitrates in freshwater

Initial process evaluation for LEADER 2014-2020 and assessment of its economic, social, cultural and environmental impact on rural communities.

This Evaluation examined evidence regarding the Burren Programme’s environmental, economic, and social effects, including a literature review; a survey of its participants carried out in 2020; and a series of interviews with targeted stakeholders. Once identified, effects were classified according to the ‘capitals’ they impact upon; or the range of tangible and intangible assets from which farmers and society obtain value. These are natural, manufactured, human, intellectual, social and financial capital.

This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, ‘New tools for monitoring and evaluation: insights from the Evaluation Knowledge Bank’, which was hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development. 

The overall objective to share and communicate the results of some of the research projects and their outputs from the Evaluation Knowledge Bank that are relevant for the evaluation of the CAP.

This study calculates the effect of the measures investment aid and takeover aid on a number of economic parameters of the supported companies. The investment support is broken down by focus area.

The analysis shows that both takeover aid and investment aid to promote competitiveness have a positive effect on the gross added value of companies. The aid for emissions reduction investments has a negative effect on this parameter, but without this investment aid, this effect would be even more negative, or investments would not happen. Nevertheless, these investments are necessary to remain competitive and to ensure the viability of Flemish companies.

This interactive decision tool is for impact indicators:

I.01 Agricultural entrepreneurial income 
I.02 Agricultural factor income
I.03 Total factor productivity in agriculture

This document addresses challenges in preparing and conducting the assessment of RDP impacts in the ex post evaluation with consideration for multiple intervening, confounding or external factors related to a changing socio-economic, environmental or health context (as recently experienced) which may influence the intended programme effects.

This document discusses the role of evaluation questions (EQs) in the assessment of impacts and achievements of the rural development policy and outlines the set of common evaluation questions for rural development (CEQ-RD) in the 2014-2020 programming period.


This interactive decision tool is for impact indicators:

I.14 Rural employment rate
I.15 Degree of rural poverty
I.16 Rural GDP per capita


These non-binding Guidelines aim to examine the challenges in relation to the evaluation activities for the AIR in 2019 by:

  • Presenting practical approaches to estimate the RDP’s net contributions to the common CAP impact indicators and assess the progress in achieving the EU level objectives; 
  • Providing support for answering the common evaluation questions (CEQs) 22-30 and for reporting on evaluation findings to the European Commission in the AIRs submitted in 2019.

The Guidelines are structured in four parts (presented in three documents):

  • PART I (primarily for Managing Authorities): informs about the legal requirements and outlines how to report in 2019 on the CEQs 22-30. Part I contains references to other existing guidance. 
  • PART II (primarily for evaluators): offers methodological support for assessing the common impact indicators of Pilar II (sectoral, environmental and socio-economic impacts). This part explains each intervention logic, the use of additional evaluation elements, explains the data requirements, the units of assessment and guides the reader through choosing the most appropriate evaluation approaches for netting out the RDP’s contributions to the values of the CAP impact indicators. Furthermore, Part II also suggests approaches to assess RDP contributions towards achieving the EU 2020 strategy and innovation. 
  • PART III: contains the fiches for answering the CEQs 22–30.
  • PART IV: contains the technical annex including more detailed information on the approaches to assess the CAP impact indicators and the glossary of terms.
