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Tool 3.1 – Examples of guiding questions for the appraisal of the intervention strategy, targets and milestones: provides suggestions of what questions evaluators may wish to explore while appraising the intervention strategy, targets and milestones of the CAP Strategic Plan. 

This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, 'Getting Prepared for the Ex Ante Evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plan', which was hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development. 

In line with the objectives of the EU 2020 Strategy, Hungary also supports the reduction of poverty and the strengthening of social inclusion through the rural development toolkit. In this context, the evaluation aimed at examining the extent to which the interventions of the RDP in the period 2014-2018 contributed to the reduction of poverty in rural areas of Hungary. The evaluation looks at the progress and experience of the implementation, the examination of the already identifiable outputs and results of the measures, and the preliminary conclusions and recommendations helping to plan the next programming period. The updated version using the latest data will provides analytical results in terms of impacts and contexts, taking into account the greater progress in the implementation of the projects.

This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, 'Assessment of Resource Efficiency and Climate', which was hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development. 

The fourteenth Good Practice Workshop 'Assessment of Resource Efficiency and Climate' took place online on 28-29 September 2020.The overall objective to reflect on experiences in relation to the assessment of resource efficiency and climate action, with a view to preparing the ex post evaluation of RDPs 2014-2020 and to identify lessons learned related to the future CAP indicators.

This document includes the updated fiches for answering Common Evaluation Questions 11 to 14 for the ex post evaluation of RDPs 2014-2020. These fiches have been updated by clarifying and updating data sources, clarifying methodologies to calculate gross and net values, proposing recommendations how to use indicators in the event of a lack of data and adding further examples and information sources.

This document highlights issues related to the use of the common result/target indicator ‘Jobs created in supported projects’ to measure the achievements under the Focus Areas (FA) 6A (Result Indicator R21 and Target Indicator T20) and 6B (Result Indicator R24 and Target Indicator T23) in the 2014-2020 programming period. 

This document provides an example of how to use some of the sustainability indicators at the farm level of the Seventh Framework Programme project FLINT: Farm Level Indicators for New Topics in policy evaluation’ in the assessment of economic performance of farms.

This study asked the question ‘Do AECMs encourage new agricultural practices?’ and made it possible to analyse: the typology of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of AECMs, the brakes and motivations of farmers to contracting an AECM, the relevance of the support actions of the AECMs with the farmers (impact of the intervention of the AECP) and finally the concrete benefits of new agricultural practices on the environment in Normandie.

The purpose of this study is to establish an integrated methodology for evaluating the impact of incentive schemes on climate change adaptation for biodiversity at a national, landscape and farm scale. This will consider; how the schemes are operated, how action is targeted, where options are located and whether option prescriptions suit. At the finer farm scale, the contribution of AE schemes to ecosystem based adaptation will also be evaluated.

The study evaluates the spatial distribution of different types of management under AE agreements nationally against a range of spatial datasets relevant to climate resilience and vulnerability, to understand whether existing agri-environment management options are ‘broadly in the right place’ for different adaptation priorities. The study then extends this approach to develop and test a methodology for identifying and evaluating adaptation at the farm level.

The study will result in a methodology that will be incorporated into future AE scheme monitoring and a national baseline dataset to compare future change.

Rural Evaluation NEWS Issue 4

Discover articles on:

  • LEADER/CLLD Evaluation
  • The 9th Expert Group on Monitoring and Evaluating the CAP
  • Second Good Practice Workshop: 7-8 June in Bonn, Germany

Expand your knowledge of:

  • The conceptual framework of LEADER/CLLD evaluation
