Jekk jogħġbok innota li aħbarijiet, artikli u avvenimenti jistgħu jkunu disbonibbli bl-Ingliż, bil-Franċiż u/jew bil-Ġermaniż biss.
Commission adopts report on application of supplementary pension rights directive
The report evaluates the application by Member States of the 2014 directive, which aims to make it easier for mobile workers to obtain and maintain supplementary pension rights
Brexit preparedness: EU preparations help safeguard citizens’ social security entitlements
As part of its Brexit preparedness and contingency work, the European Commission has taken several measures to protect EU citizens and UK nationals who are or have been living or working in another Member State.
Brexit Preparedness: European Commission adopts final set of “no-deal” contingency measures for social security coordination rules
Given the increasing risk that the United Kingdom may leave the EU on 30 March this year without a deal (a “no-deal” scenario), the European Commission has today adopted a final set of contingency proposals in the area of the Erasmus+ programme, social security coordination and the EU budget.