Zaposlovanje, socialne zadeve in vključevanje

Study supporting the Monitoring of the Posting of Workers Directive 2018/957/EU and of the Enforcement Directive 2014/67/EU - The situation of temporary cross-border mobile workers and workers in subcontracting chains

Study supporting the Monitoring of the Posting of Workers Directive 2018/957/EU and of the Enforcement Directive 2014/67/EU - The situation of temporary cross-border mobile workers and workers in subcontracting chains

Free movement of workers is a major achievement of the European Union. Intra-EU labour mobility provides opportunities to people and enhances economic efficiency. However, short-term mobility is not without risks, as movers might not be fully integrated into the labour market of the destination country. To ensure fairness between local and short-term mobile workers, the Union has taken a number of initiatives, first and foremost it set up legislation on posting of workers.

This study looks into prevalence and features of temporary cross-border mobility in some sectors for which stakeholders report a particular risk of problematic situations. In doing so, it has supported the monitoring of the posting related EU-legislation, however it also went beyond posting situations and looks into other issues related to temporary cross-border labour mobility.

The study was prepared for the Commission and reflects the views only of the authors.


Catalog N. : KE-02-24-462-EN-N

Naroči v knjigarni  EU Publications

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