Zaposlovanje, socialne zadeve in vključevanje

Social Protection Committee annual report 2017

Social Protection Committee annual report 2017

Despite the recent improvement in most social indicators in many Member States, the Social Protection Committee 2017 report shows that overall the social situation in the EU hasn’t recovered from the economic crisis. The EU continues to be far off-track in reaching its Europe 2020 poverty and social exclusion target, with signs of continued deterioration in the depth and persistence of poverty in a number of Member States as well as widening gaps in the adequacy of social benefits.


The Social Protection Committee monitors the social situation in the EU and the developments in social protection policies in Member States. Based on a set of key indicators and Member States’ reporting, the report analyses the progress towards the Europe 2020 target on reducing poverty and social exclusion together with the latest social trends to watch. The most recent social policy developments in Europe are also reported on as well as the key structural social challenges currently faced by each Member State.

Catalog N. : KE-BG-17-001-EN-N

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