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Eurobarometer on undeclared work in the European Union

Eurobarometer on undeclared work in the European Union

Undeclared work is defined as paid activities that are lawful but not declared to public authorities. Undeclared work puts workers at multiple risks, undermines public finances and social cohesion.

The 2019 Special Eurobarometer is a re-edition of a similar survey conducted in 2013 and it confirms that undeclared work is a persisting challenge in the EU. In the last year, one European out of ten has paid for undeclared goods or services and a third of Europeans know somebody who works undeclared. Since the previous survey, the proportion of respondents who see the risk of being caught as high has slightly increased, to 39%. The survey also adds an emphasis on new forms of undeclared work and cross-border undeclared work.

Summary, factsheets and infographic also available


Kataloški br. : KE-03-20-032-EN-N

Dostupno u  EU Publications

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