Back EU meets 2020 renewable energy target in transport

2 February 2022

© Galushko Sergey/

The EU has met the 10% target level for 2020 for the share of renewable energy (including liquid biofuels, biomethane and ‘green’ electricity) used in transport. This target was included in Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources

Eurostat data show that the average share of energy from renewables in transport increased from 1.6% in 2004 to 10.2% in 2020, standing 0.2 percentage points (pp) above the target level. 

Among the Member States, 12 surpassed the target. Sweden was the clear leader in the use of renewables in transport with 31.9%, followed by Finland (13.4%), the Netherlands and Luxembourg (both 12.6%). Sweden’s leadership is explained by the high use of compliant biofuels.

In contrast, Greece (5.3%) and Lithuania (5.5%) registered the lowest use of renewables in transport. 

Bar chart: Energy from renewable sources in transport, EU, % of gross final energy consumption, 2020

Source dataset: nrg_ind_ren

In 2020, all EU Member States, with the exception of France (no change, 9.2%) and Finland (-0.9 pp), registered an increase in the share of renewable energy in transport compared with 2019, with the largest increases observed for Estonia (+5.9 pp), Luxembourg (+4.9 pp), Belgium (+4.2 pp) and Cyprus (+4.1 pp).

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