Back Residence permits granted in the EU

15 July 2019

© Tashatuvango/

In 2017, 3.1 million first resident permits were granted in the EU to non-EU citizens. The largest shares of first residence permits were given to people from Ukraine (21 % of all first residence permits in the EU), Syria (7 %), China (6 %), India and the United States (5 % each).

Poland was the main country giving first residence permits to people from Ukraine (88 % of all first residence permits given to Ukrainians), while for Syria (63 %) it was Germany. About half of first residence permits granted to people from China, the United States and India were in the United Kingdom.

Click on the visualisation below, to see to which citizens the EU Member States have granted a first residence permit, and vice versa:

First residence permits, 2017

For more information, have a look at the new digital publication from Eurostat: People on the move – statistics on mobility in Europe.

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