Back Tourism nights dropped sharply in March and April 2020

16 July 2020

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During the early part of 2020, the tourism industry has suffered as a result of travel restrictions implemented in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. This is evident when comparing 2020 tourism figures with those of 2019.

From January to April 2020, the number of nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments in the EU, such as hotels, holiday and other short-stay accommodation, camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks, totalled 353 million, a decline of 44% from January-April 2019.

In terms of individual months within this period, the most substantial falls in the number of nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments were recorded in March (-62%) and April (-95%) compared with the same months of 2019. Prior to the pandemic, there had been a small improvement in the number of nights spent in tourist accommodation, with increases of 5% and 6% in January and February respectively.

There was a similar trend displayed in the number of nights spent in tourist accommodation, regardless of whether the guests were from the reporting country or foreign countries.




Source dataset: tour_occ_nim


The number of nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments declined across all Member States, for which data are available, in January-April 2020 when compared with a year earlier, ranging from a 26% decline in Austria to a drop of 70% in Croatia. The declines were in excess of 40% for 16 out of 25 Member States.



  • Ireland and France: data not available.
  • The EU aggregate for 2020 includes estimates for the missing countries.
  • The European Union (EU) includes 27 EU Member States. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Further information is published here.


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