Back China-EU trade in goods: €185 billion deficit in 2018

27 May 2019

© Jim Barber/
Logo Statistics Explained

In 2018, China was the second largest partner for EU exports of goods (11% of total extra-EU exports) and largest for EU imports of goods (20% of total extra-EU imports).

Infographic showing China-EU trade balance for 2018

During the period 2008 to 2018, the EU had a trade in goods deficit (meaning larger imports than exports) with China, which varied between €130 billion and €190 billion. In 2018 the trade deficit stood at €185 billion.

Chart of China-EU exports, imports and balance, 2008-2018

The source dataset is accessible here.

For both EU exports and imports of goods with the China, 'machinery and vehicles', 'chemicals' and 'other manufactured goods' dominate. Together these manufactured goods accounted for 84% of EU exports of goods to China and 97% of EU imports of goods from China.

Among the Member States, the Netherlands was the largest importer of goods (€85 billion) from China and Germany was the largest exporter of goods (€94 billion) to China in 2018.


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