Back How many years are people expected to work?

22 November 2019

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In 2018, the expected duration of working life of people in the EU (i.e. the number of years that 15-year-olds are expected to work in their life) was 36.2 years. This is 0.3 years longer than in 2017 and 3.3 years longer than in 2000.

Men are expected to work longer than women: on average, the expected working life for men is 38.6 years and for women 33.7.

The expected duration of working life varied among Member States, ranging from 31.8 years in Italy, 32.4 in Croatia and 32.9 in Greece to 39.9 years in Denmark, 40.5 in the Netherlands and 41.9 in Sweden.


Map: Expected duration of working life, 2018

The source dataset is accessible here.


For more information see the Statistics Explained article "Duration of working life - statistics".


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