Back Disability: higher risk of poverty or social exclusion

29 October 2019

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In 2018, about 28.7% of the EU population with a disability (aged 16 or over) was at risk of poverty or social exclusion, compared with 19.2% of those with no limitation. There are significant differences across Member States, yet in all of them people with a disability are more exposed to the risk of poverty and social exclusion than those with none. The proportion of people with a disability at risk of poverty or social exclusion ranged from 18.4% in Slovakia (2017 data), 21.0% in France and 21.7% in Austria to 43.0% in Lithuania, 43.6% in Latvia, peaking at 49.4% in Bulgaria.

Infographic: People with disability at higher risk of poverty or social exclusion

For further information, see the Statistics Explained article Disability statistics - poverty and income inequalities.

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