Zurück More than 4 out of 5 ICT-educated workers are men

16 September 2021

© puhhha/Shutterstock.com

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In 2020, men accounted for 83% of the 2.7 million people in the EU who were employed and who had an information and communication technology (ICT) education.

Among the EU countries, Latvia recorded the highest share of men in the total number of the employed with an ICT education (94%), followed by Slovenia (90%), Belgium and Czechia (both 89%) as well as Poland (88%).

At the other end of the scale, women accounted for more than a quarter of the employed with an ICT education in Denmark (33%), Greece (31%), Cyprus (28%), Bulgaria (27%; low reliability) and Romania (27%).

Infographic: Share of employed men with an ICT education, 2020

Source dataset: isoc_ski_itsex


Majority of ICT-educated workers are between 15 and 34 years old

In the EU, 66% of the employed with an ICT education were aged 15-34 years in 2020, while 34% were aged between 35 and 74 years.

Young people aged between 15 and 34 accounted for the majority of the employed with an ICT education in all the EU countries, with the highest shares in Croatia (84%), Romania (82%), Malta (81%) and Czechia (80%).

On the other hand, Finland (47%), Ireland (42%), France (41%) and Germany (39%) had the highest shares of ICT-educated 35-74 year olds that were employed in the EU.

Infographic: Share of employed people with an ICT education by age, 2020

Source dataset: isoc_ski_itage


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