Zurück Do you protect personal data on your smartphone?

6. Mai 2021

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In 2020, 81% of people aged 16-74 in the EU used a smartphone for private purposes in the three months prior to the survey. However, 18% responded that when using or installing an app on the smartphone they never restricted or refused its access to personal data such as their location or contacts. 6% did not know it is possible to restrict or refuse access to their personal data when using or installing an app.

The share of people who never restricted or refused such access was highest among the youngest (20% for 16-24 years old) and lowest among the eldest (14% for 65-74 years old).


Highest self-data protection in Sweden, lowest in Croatia and Czechia

Around a third of people aged 16-74 never restricted or refused access to their personal data when using or installing an app in Croatia (37%) and Czechia (36%), as well as Latvia (32%) and Lithuania (31%).

In contrast, only 11% of people aged 16-74 in Sweden never restricted or refused access, followed by Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal (all 12%), Belgium, Germany and Slovenia (all 13%).


People who never restricted or refused access to personal data when using or installing an app on the smartphone, 2020

Source dataset: isoc_cisci_sp20


For more information:

  • France: 2020 data not available. As a result, the EU aggregate has been estimated.
  • The data in this article are based on the annual survey on use of ICT in households and by individuals; the full data from the survey is available here. Further methodological information related to the survey can be found here.
  • The results above refer to individuals’ experiences during the last three months prior to the survey, i.e. the first quarter of 2020. Hence, the reference period refers mainly to the situation before the COVID-19 pandemic started. However, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the fieldwork had to be postponed or extended, and the timing of this three-month reference period varies across countries.


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