Zurück Men more often contacted for work during leisure time

29 September 2020

© De stockfour/Shutterstock.com

In the EU, 17% of the employed reported having been contacted several times in the last two months by their employer during their leisure time in 2019. This share is higher for men (20%) than women (14%).

Furthermore, those having been contacted with an action required before the next working day (so called ‘direct action’) amounted to 10% of the total employed population. Similarly, this share is higher for men (12%) than women (8%).


1 in 4 managers contacted several times during leisure time with direct action required

In 2019, the economic activities with the highest shares of employed people having been contacted several times during their leisure time with direct action required were real estate (18%), information and communication (15%) and professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support service activities (14%).

As regards occupations, managers recorded by far the highest share of people being contacted several times during their leisure time with direct action required (28%).


Contacts during leisure time by economic activity, 2019

Source dataset: lfso_19fxwt16


All economic activities and occupations registered a higher share of men than women having been contacted during their leisure time with direct action required.

Across economic activities, the gender gap is the largest in arts, entertainment and recreation* (17% of men, 9% of women) and financial and insurance activities (15% of men, 7% of women). Across occupations, the gender gap is the largest for managers (30% of men, 22% of women) as well as technicians and associate professionals (15% of men, 9% of women). The smallest gender gap was observed for workers in elementary occupations (around 3% for both sexes).


Contacts during leisure time by occupation, 2019

Source dataset: lfso_19fxwt16


* Includes other service activities and activities of household and extra-territorial organizations and bodies.


For more information:


Note: The European Union (EU) includes 27 EU Member States. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Further information is published here


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