In 2022, the EU’s combined harvested production of muskmelons, watermelons, strawberries, peaches and nectarines was 8.6 million tonnes, representing a decrease of 6.3% on the level in 2021 (9.2 million tonnes). This downturn was due to the lower harvested production of muskmelons (-9.5% in 2022) and watermelons (-18.4% in 2022). Indeed, the production of peaches and nectarines increased (+5.6% in 2022), and that of strawberries remained relatively unchanged.


Bar chart: Production of melons, strawberries, and peaches and nectarines, 2021 and 2022 (thousand tonnes)

Source dataset: apro_cpsh1


Spain was the EU’s main producer of summer related fruits

Spain is a key EU producer of summer fruits. It produced nearly half (45.4%) of the EU’s watermelons, almost one third (32.0%) of its muskmelons, and more than one quarter (27.3%) of both its strawberries, and peaches and nectarines (26.9%) in 2022. 

Likewise, Italy produced just over one third (36.1%) of both the EU’s muskmelons, and peaches and nectarines (35.6%), as well as one quarter (25.6%) of its watermelons.


Infographic: Top 3 EU country producers of selected summer fruits, 2022 (thousand tonnes)

Source dataset: apro_cpsh1


For some specific summer fruits, other EU members were key producers: Poland ranked second for strawberry production (16.7% of the EU total), Greece second for peaches and nectarines production (27.1%) and third for watermelons (12.4%), France third for muskmelon production (18.8%), and Germany third for strawberry production (11.1% of total EU production).

For more information

Methodological notes

  • Belgium: provisional data for strawberries; not significant data for peaches and nectarines.
  • Czechia: not significant data for muskmelons and watermelons.
  • Germany: not significant data for muskmelons, peaches and nectarines.
  • Cyprus: provisional data for muskmelons, watermelons, strawberries, peaches and nectarines. 
  • Hungary: estimated data.
  • Austria: not significant data for muskmelons.
  • Portugal: provisional data for peaches and nectarines. 

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