Retour Looking at the lives of older people in the EU

1 October 2021

© Halfpoint/

On the occasion of the International Day of Older persons, Eurostat has released the 2021 edition of its interactive publication “Ageing Europe - 2021 interactive edition” which provides a picture of the daily lives of older people in the EU, with data for individual EU Member States and EFTA countries.

This publication allows you to examine the situation of older people in your country and compare it to other European countries through a range of interactive tools. The different visualisation tools offer you the ability to dig into selected statistics focusing on the following six subjects: population, living conditions, health, working life, income & expenditure and social life.

Do you want to know more about Europe’s ageing population, and their social and economic conditions? Take a look yourself and investigate the visualisations:

Cover: Ageing Europe - 2021 interactive edition


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