Retour SDGs & me: Gender equality

18 September 2021

© United Nations

The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 5) 'Gender equality' aims to end all forms of discrimination, violence, and any harmful practices against women and girls. It also calls for the full participation of women at all levels of political and economic decision-making.

In an EU context, SDG 5 focuses on progress made in abating gender-based violence and in fostering gender equality in education, employment and leadership positions.

Infographics: Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender equality in the EU, 2020 data

How is your country doing? 

What is the difference in employment rates of women and men in your country? How has the gender pay gap changed? Or the share of women in senior management? 

The various visualisation tools in our interactive publication ‘SDGs & me’ will help you to easily explore and evaluate the situation of your country as well as compare it to others. 

Select your country in the header below and choose different indicators of SDG 5:


You can also discover the new visualisation tool ‘SDG country scores’ to see where your country stands compared to the EU average:


Screenshot of the new visualisation tool ‘SDG country scores’

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