Retour First-time asylum applicants up 17% in August 2022

25 November 2022

© Halfpoint/

In August 2022, 77 595 first-time asylum applicants (non-EU citizens) applied for international protection in the EU Member States, 11 050 more people than in the previous month, an increase of 17%. Compared with August 2021 (50 390), there was a 54% increase in the total number of requests. 

In August 2022, there were also 6 100 subsequent applicants (people who reapplied for asylum after a decision had been taken on a previous application), 240 people more than in July 2022, an increase of 4%. Compared with August 2021 there was an 11% decrease. 
This information comes from monthly asylum data published by Eurostat today. The article presents a handful of findings from the more detailed Statistics Explained article on monthly asylum statistics.  

Timeline: first-time asylum applicants and subsequent applicants (January 2019- August 2022)

Source dataset: migr_asyappctzm

Most first-time asylum applicants were Syrians
In August 2022, Syrians were the largest group of persons seeking asylum (11 860 first-time applicants). They were followed by Afghans (10 675), ahead of Indians (4 170), Turks (4 105) and Venezuelans (3 565).

Following Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, there was a large increase in Ukrainian first-time asylum applicants (from 2 370 in February to 12 890 in March), but the numbers have been decreasing in the following months: 1 510 in April, 1 295 in May, 975 in June, 950 in July and 915 in August. This is also because people fleeing Ukraine benefit from temporary protection.
Germany continues to report the highest number of first-time asylum applicants
Since the beginning of 2022, Germany has been the Member State reporting the highest number of first-time asylum applicants in the EU. In August 2022, Germany received 16 950 first-time applicants, accounting for 22% of the total. Germany was followed by Austria (14 030, 18%), France (11 900, 15%), Spain (8 650, 11%), and Italy (5 985, 8%).

These five Member States together accounted for three-quarters (74%) of all first-time asylum applicants in the EU.

In total in the EU as a whole, there were 174 first-time asylum applicants per million population in August 2022.

Compared with the population of each Member State (on 1st January 2022), the highest rate of registered first-time applicants in August 2022 was recorded in Austria (1 563 applicants per million population), followed by Cyprus (1 482) and Croatia (351). By contrast, the lowest rates were observed in Hungary (1).

Bar chart: unaccompanied minors in the EU (August 2022, number of applicants): top 5 citizenships applying for asylum; top 5 Member States receiving unaccompanied minors

Source dataset: migr_asyumactm

4 460 unaccompanied minors applying for asylum in the EU

In August 2022, 4 460 unaccompanied minors applied for asylum for the first time in the EU Member States, up by 32% compared with July 2022 (3 400). This is among the EU Member States for which data are available.
Most unaccompanied minors who lodged asylum applications in August 2022 came from Afghanistan (2 140), Syria (1 060), Somalia (205), Eritrea (145) and Pakistan (115).

The three Member States that received the highest numbers of asylum applications from unaccompanied minors in August 2022 were Austria (1 885), with an increase of 48% compared with July 2022, Germany (585), with a 21% increase and the Netherlands (580), with an increase of 29%. 

For more information:

Methodological information:

  • Due to temporary derogations, data on subsequent applicants are not available for Denmark, Cyprus and Sweden, and on unaccompanied minor asylum applicants for France, Cyprus and Poland. As a result, these Member States were not included in the calculation of the respective EU totals. A complete list of such derogations is provided in the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/431.
  • Statistics on asylum applicants considered to be unaccompanied minors presented in the article refers to the age accepted by the national authorities, however before the age assessment procedure was carried out/completed. 

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