Retour COVID restrictions boosted ICT use in enterprises

29 mars 2022

© NicoElNino/

Restrictions in mobility caused by the COVID-19 pandemic forced many enterprises to increase or even shift towards digital technologies to maintain their activities. This emphasised the potential digital technologies have for improving the economic resilience of businesses.

In 2020, 33% of EU enterprises increased the share of employees with remote access to the company’s e-mail system; and the same percentage (33%) increased the proportion of staff with remote access to other ICT systems. 

Among the EU Member States with available data (voluntary collection in which 19 Member States participated), Malta registered the highest shares of enterprises that increased the percentage of staff having remote access to the enterprise’s e-mail system (55%) or ICT systems other than e-mail (58%), followed by the Netherlands (42% for both), Germany (42% and 39%, respectively) and Belgium (40% and 43%, respectively). In contrast, the lowest share of enterprises that increased remote access to their e-mail (12%) or other ICT systems (12%) was registered in Lithuania.

bar chart:enterprises which increased the share of employees with remote access to their ICT systems (to enterprises's e-mail system; to other enterprise's ICT systems), 2020 (% of enterprises)

Source dataset: isoc_e_cvd

In terms of remote meetings held online, half of EU enterprises reported having increased their number in 2020. 

The percentage of enterprises that increased the number of meetings online was highest in Finland (79%), Malta (76%) and Sweden (71%), while the lowest shares were registered in Bulgaria (23%), Poland (29%) and Latvia (33%).


Enterprises which increased the number of remote meetings, 2020 (% of enterprises)

Source dataset: isoc_e_cvd

For more information: 

Methodological notes: 

  • The article presents the results of a special module of the 2021 survey on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises. The module was introduced on a voluntary basis and 19 Member States included it at least partially in their national survey on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises. The presented EU aggregates are based on the results of those Member States.
  • Statistics were obtained from enterprise surveys conducted by National Statistical Authorities in the first months of the year. The surveys' reference period is the current situation of the survey period or for selected questions, including the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the preceding calendar year.
  • In 2021, 148 000 of the 1.5 million EU enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed persons in the NACE Rev. 2 sections C to J, L to N and group 95.1 were surveyed.
  • A reference “employees” refers to employees and self-employed persons.

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