Retour Household broadband connection across EU regions

14 April 2020

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Broadband has become increasingly important over recent weeks because of the COVID-19 pandemic and confinement measures introduced by European Union (EU) Member States.

In the survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals, households were asked in 2019 about the fixed and mobile internet connections used at home. In 2019, the vast majority (88%) of EU households used broadband connection at home. Among the EU Member States, this share ranged from 98% in the Netherlands to 75% in Bulgaria.

At NUTS 2 regional level, the regions with the highest share of households with broadband internet use were located in the Netherlands. These regions were Flevoland, Zeeland and Limburg, where 99% of households had used broadband internet.

At the other end of the scale, La Réunion, the outermost region of France, recorded the lowest share of households with broadband internet (66%), followed by Nisia Aigaiou, Kriti in Greece (68%), Severozapaden in Bulgaria and Limousin in France (71% each).



Source dataset: isoc_r_broad_h and isoc_ci_it_h


For more information: Eurostat has recently published 2019 data for the Community survey on ICT usage in European households and enterprises; the full data set from the survey is available here.



  • Data for Germany, Greece, Poland, the United Kingdom and Türkiye are presented at NUTS 1 regional level.
  • The European Union (EU) includes 27 EU Member States. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Further information is published here.


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