Retour Why do people work part-time?

18 septembre 2019

© baranq/

31.2 million women and 9.5 million men aged 20 to 64 worked part-time in the European Union in 2018. This represented 19% of total employment.

Respondents reported that the main reason for working part-time was “not finding a full- time job” (26%), followed closely by “looking after children or incapacitated adults” (24%).

Men (36%) reported that they worked part-time because of not finding a full-time job more frequently than women (23%). On the other hand, working part-time to look after children or incapacitated adults was reported more often by women (29%) than men (6%).


Main reason for working part-time in the EU in 2018

Figures may not add up to 100% due to rounding.


Part-time job due to lack of access to full-time work highest in Greece, lowest in Estonia

Across the EU Member States, the share of persons who worked part-time because they could not find a full-time job varied significantly. The highest proportion was reported in Greece (70%), followed by Italy (66%), Cyprus (65%) and Bulgaria (59%). The lowest shares were recorded in Estonia (6%), followed by Belgium, Czechia and Slovenia (7% each) and the Netherlands (8%).

Part-time working due to lack of access to full-time job in 2018


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