Retour Migrant integration – employment rates

29 mai 2019

Logo Statistics Explained

In 2018, the EU employment rate of persons aged 20-64 years ranged from 65% among persons born outside the EU, through 74% among the native-born population, to 77% for persons born in another EU Member State.

Chart of employment rates for 2 to 64 year olds, by country of birth category, 2018

Among the EU Member States, the United Kingdom reported the highest employment rate for persons born in another EU Member State (86%), closely followed by Portugal (84%), Sweden (83%), Malta (81%) and Germany (80%).

The highest employment rates for the native-born population were recorded in Sweden (87%), Germany and the Netherlands (82%), Estonia (81%) and Denmark (80%).

For those born outside the EU, the employment rate was highest (84%) in Czechia, followed by Slovakia (81%), Malta (80%), Romania (78%), Poland (77%) and Portugal (76%).

In contrast, Greece recorded the lowest employment rates for persons born elsewhere in the EU (55%) and the native-born population (60%), while Belgium had the lowest employment rate for persons born outside the EU (54%).


The source dataset is accessible here.

These figures are taken from the latest results of the EU labour force survey.


Further information on migrant integration statistics dedicated to labour market indicators can be found in this Statistics Explained article.


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