Back Services had the highest share of new hires in Q2 2021

22 October 2021

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In the second quarter of 2021, the highest share of recent job starters in the EU was found in ‘accommodation and food services’ (11% of the employed), followed by the sectors of ‘arts, entertainment and recreation’ and ‘administrative and support services’ (both with 6%), as well as ‘agriculture, forestry and fishing’ and ‘construction’ (both with 5%).
On the other end of the scale, recent job starters represented less than 3% of employed people in the ‘education’ as well as ‘public administration and defence’.

Horizontal bar chart: recent job starters (% of employment, age group 15-64) by economic activity in the EU, Q2 2021

Source dataset:  lfsq_egdn2


The information on the share of recent job starters provides an insight into which areas of the economy have attracted most rapidly new people at the start of the economic recovery. It is worth remembering that COVID-19 severely impacted employment dynamics.
For more information:

  • Recent job starters (recently employed) are those who started their job in the last three months before the interview.
  • Sectors of economic activity (sectors of the economy) according to sections of the NACE Rev. 2.
  • Information on the share of recent job starters is presented only for the sectors of the economy, which represent more than 1% of employment.
  • The industry sector encompasses ‘mining and quarrying’, ‘manufacturing’, ‘electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply’ and ‘water supply, including sewerage, waste management and remediation activities’.
  • Eurostat Statistics Explained article on employed people and job starters by economic activity and occupation
  • Eurostat Statistics Explained article on the EU labour force survey (LFS)
  • Eurostat database on employment and unemployment (LFS)
  • Eurostat dedicated section on the labour market, including LFS

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