Retour #EuropeDay 2022

9 May 2022

© Marian Weyo/

On the occasion of Europe Day, celebrated every year on 9 May, Eurostat invites you to explore a set of infographics giving a picture of the EU and each Member State.

Europe Day commemorates the signing of the 'Schuman Declaration' on 9 May 1950. An ambitious plan to secure long-term peace in post-war Europe that is considered the beginning of what is now the European Union. The importance of working for peace in Europe is all the more evident, as we highlight our unity and solidarity with Ukraine.

2022 marks the European Year of Youth and this 9 May is an opportune moment to focus on the importance of young Europeans in building a better future that is greener, more digital and healthier.


European Union in numbers   Austria in numbers   Belgium in numbers   Bulgaria in numbers    Croatia in numbers    Cyprus in numbers

Czechia in numbers    Denmark in numbers   Estonia in numbers    Finland in numbers    France in numbers    Germany in numbers

Greece in numbers    Hungary in numbers   Ireland in numbers   Italy in numbers    Latvia in numbers    Lithuania in numbers

Luxembourg in numbers    Malta in numbers    Netherlands in numbers    Poland in numbers    Portugal in numbers    Romania in numbers

   Slovakia in numbers   Slovenia in numbers   Spain in numbers    Sweden in numbers     

To explore the online and on-site events and learn more about the European Union, please check out this website.


For more information:

The infographics present data from the following datasets:


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