Retour Deaths from prostate cancer in EU regions

19 novembre 2020

© Chinnapong/

In 2016, about 65 200 men died from malignant neoplasm of the prostate (prostate cancer) in the EU. The standardised death rate from prostate cancer stood at 38 deaths per 100 000 male inhabitants.


2017: standardised death rates from prostate cancer highest in Latvia, lowest in Malta

In 2017, among the EU Member States, Latvia registered the highest rate of deaths from prostate cancer (74 deaths per 100 000 male inhabitants), followed by Estonia (70) and Slovenia (67).

At the opposite end of the scale, Malta recorded the lowest standardised death rate from prostate cancer (24 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants), followed by Italy (27), Greece, Spain and Luxembourg (all 31).


Regional patterns of standardised death rates from prostate cancer

When looking at regional data (NUTS2), the highest standardised death rates in the EU, with at least 60 deaths per 100 000 male inhabitants, were recorded in:

  • Baltic regions: Latvia (74; single region at this level of detail), Estonia (70; single region at this level of detail) and the Capital Region in Lithuania (65),
  • four regions of Sweden: Central Norrland (66), East-Central Sweden, North-Central Sweden (both 64) and Småland and islands (62),
  • three regions of France: Mayotte (103; 2016 data), Martinique (66; 2016 data) and Guadeloupe (62; 2016 data),
  • two regions of Slovenia: East Slovenia (68) and West Slovenia (64),
  • Zealand in Denmark (64), Flevoland in the Netherlands (64) and Central Transdanubia in Hungary (62).


Deaths from prostate cancer in EU regions.jpg

Source dataset: HLTH_CD_ASDR2


At the other end of the scale, the lowest standardised death rates from prostate cancer were largely concentrated in southern Europe. The death rate was below 30 per 100 000 male inhabitants in 18 regions of Italy, six regions in Spain (including Melilla, the region with the lowest rate in the EU), five regions in Greece, three regions in France (2016 data), two regions each in Bulgaria and Romania, and one region in Belgium as well as Malta (single region at this level of detail).

This news item marks the International Men’s Day, celebrated on 19 November. This year the theme is “Better health for men and boys”, promoting the need to value men and boys and helping people make practical improvements in men and boy’s health and well-being.



  • To make a sound comparison across regions, the numbers of prostate cancer deaths need to be adjusted to the size and structure of the population. Standardised death rates are more reliable when making comparisons between diseases as they remove the impact of different age structures. • Regional data for Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Iceland and Liechtenstein: single regions at this level of detail.
  • French regions: 2016 data.
  • This list shows translations of the names of regions in the EU Member States into English.
  • The European Union (EU) includes 27 EU Member States. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Further information is published here.


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