Retour How alcohol prices vary across the EU

30 août 2021

© Aleksandar Karanov/

In 2020, the price of alcoholic drinks across the EU was more than two and a half times as high in the most expensive Member State compared with the cheapest one.

When price levels are compared with the EU average price level index of 100, the results show that the price of alcoholic drinks (spirits, wine and beer) was the highest in Finland (with a price level index of 193), followed by Ireland (181) and Sweden (166).


Infographic with the EU country with highest (Finland=193) and lowest (Hungary=73) consumer price levels for alcoholic beverages, EU=100, 2020 data

Source dataset: prc_ppp_ind


In contrast, the price levels for alcoholic drinks were the lowest in Hungary (with a price level index of 73) and Romania (74), followed by Bulgaria (81).


Bar chart: Consumer price levels for alcoholic beverages, EU=100, 2020 data, EU/EFTA countries

Source dataset: prc_ppp_ind


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