Retour Number of electric cars is on the rise

7 mai 2019

© Smile Fight/

In 2017 there were 262 million cars registered in the European Union (EU) Member States. Around 2 million (0.8 %) of these were classified as either electric cars or hybrid electric cars that can be driven in combination with a petrol or diesel engine.

There has been a steady increase in the number of electric and hybrid electric cars registered across the EU in recent years. In particular, the number of hybrid electric-petrol cars in 2017 (1.5 million) was almost seven times the number recorded in 2013 (0.2 million).

Chart of the number of electric/hybrid electric cars in 2013 and 2017


Among the EU Member States for which figures are available, there were five countries with more than 1 % of their registered cars either electric or hybrid electric: Sweden (2.4 %), Poland (1.9 %), United Kingdom (1.5 %), France (1.4 %) and Belgium (1.2 %).  

Ranked bar chart of the share of electric/hybrid electric cars by Member State, 2017

The source data are accessible here.


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