Retour Which EU countries have the highest marriage rates?

14 February 2020

© Jenny Sturm/

In 2018, the European Union (EU) countries with the highest number of marriages relative to the population were Cyprus (7.8 marriages per 1 000 inhabitants), Romania (7.4), Lithuania (7.0) and Latvia (6.8). These were followed by Malta (5.8), Slovakia (5.7) and Denmark (5.6).

In contrast, the lowest marriage rates were around 3 marriages per 1 000 inhabitants, which were reported in Luxembourg (3.1), Italy (3.2) and Portugal (3.4), followed by Spain, France (2017 data) and Slovenia (all 3.5).


Crude marriage rate, 2018

Source dataset: demo_nind


Happy Valentine's Day!



  • The marriage rate used here is the crude marriage rate, defined as the ratio of the number of marriages during the year to the average population in that year. The value is expressed per 1 000 inhabitants.
  • The European Union (EU) includes 27 EU Member States. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Further information is published here.


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