Retour Some statistics for coffee time!

1 octobre 2019

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It is International Coffee Day today, and to mark this occasion, here are some interesting figures on the imports of coffee into the European Union (EU):

In 2018, the EU imported over 3 million tonnes of coffee from abroad, 12% more than 10 years ago. These imports were worth €7.8 billion.


EU coffee imports

The source dataset is accessible here (by reporter) and here (by partner).


Most of the coffee imported in 2018 from non-EU countries came from two countries: Brazil (901 000 tonnes imported to the EU, or 29% of the total extra-EU imports) and Vietnam (770 000 tonnes, 25%). They were followed by Honduras (228 000 tonnes, 7%), Colombia (173 000 tonnes, 6%), Uganda (161 000 tonnes, 5%), India (157 000 tonnes, 5%), Peru (127 000 tonnes, 4%) and Ethiopia (87 000 tonnes, 3%).

These imports were mainly into Germany (with 1.1 million tonnes imported, or 36% of the total extra-EU imports) and Italy (587 000 tonnes, 19%), ahead of Belgium (277 000 tonnes, 9%), Spain (260 000 tonnes, 8%), France (220 000 tonnes, 7%) and the United Kingdom (193 000 tonnes, 6%). 


Germany and Italy, top coffee producers

In 2018, over 1.8 million tonnes of coffee were produced in the EU, 3% less than 10 years ago. The EU’s coffee production was worth €10.5 billion, and it was equivalent to around 3.4 kilograms per inhabitant in 2018.


EU roasted coffee production

The source dataset is accessible here.


Among the EU Member States, Germany produced the most roasted coffee in 2018 (551 000 tonnes, or 31% of the total EU production), followed by Italy (414 000 tonnes, 23%), ahead of France (139 000 tonnes, 8%), Spain and the Netherlands (each 138 000 tonnes, 8%) as well as Sweden (91 000 tonnes, 5%).


In 2018, these six EU Member States produced 83% of the total EU production of roasted coffee.

Happy Coffee Day to everyone!



Note: Data on production of roasted coffee are confidential for Bulgaria, Czechia, Ireland, Latvia, Slovakia and Finland.


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