Retour 21% of cancer-related deaths due to lung cancer

30 mai 2019

© igorstevanovic/

Tobacco consumption is one of the greatest avoidable health risks in the European Union (EU). Many forms of cancer and cardiovascular and respiratory disease are linked to tobacco use.

In the 26 EU Member States for which data are available for 2016, around a quarter of all deaths reported were due to cancer. Lung cancer accounted for 21% of all cancer-related deaths.

In 2016, the share of lung cancer among all fatal cancers was highest in Hungary (27%), followed by Poland, Greece and the Netherlands (all 24%).

Chart showing lung cancer as a share of all fatal cancers in Member States, 2016

At the opposite end of the scale, the lowest shares were recorded in Portugal (15%), Lithuania, Latvia and Sweden (all 16%) and Slovakia (17%).

This information is published by Eurostat to mark World No Tobacco Day (31 May).


The source dataset can be found here.

For more information on the health statistics published by Eurostat, take a look at the overview accessible here.


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