Retour Price of newspapers up by 34% between 2010 and 2018

25 octobre 2019

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Between 2010 and 2018, overall prices in the EU increased by 12%. However, when looking at different detailed products related to culture, the price development differs extensively. Prices for newspapers and periodicals in the EU rose by 34% and books by 9% between 2010 and 2018.

By contrast, the price of information processing equipment fell by 41% and the price of reception, recording and reproduction of sound and vision equipment by 38%.

Harmonised indices of consumer prices for selected cultural goods and services, EU, 2010-2018 (2010 = 100)


Read more about expenditure and price changes of cultural goods and services in the Statistics Explained article Culture statistics – household expenditure on culture. This article is part of a publication on Culture statistics: in Statistics Explained and as a pdf/paper publication.

Publication: Culture statistics - 2019 edition

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