Back How often do you see a doctor?

19 December 2019

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Logo Statistics Explained

Statistics on the average number of consultations that people have with a physician include consultations at the physician’s office, in the patient’s home, or in out-patient departments of hospitals or ambulatory health care centres. These figures exclude consultations/visits during a treatment as part of in-patient or day care patient care in a hospital or similar institution.

Among the EU Member States, there is a wide range in the frequency with which medical doctors are consulted. In Cyprus and Sweden, people consulted physicians, on average, less than 3.0 times during 2017, with the average number of consultations generally ranging between 4.3 and 10.0 in most EU Member States. The highest frequencies for consulting physicians were recorded in Slovakia and Hungary, where the average during 2017 was 10.9 consultations per person.

Infographic: consultation of a medical doctor, 2017

The source dataset can be found here.


For more information, see the Statistics Explained article Healthcare activities statistics - consultations.


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