Zurück How many translators and interpreters are in the EU?

30. September 2019

In 2018, there were around 180 000 translators and interpreters in the European Union (EU), equivalent to 0.1% of total EU employment.

The Member States with the highest share of translators and interpreters were Czechia, Estonia*, Slovakia, Finland and Sweden (all 0.2 % of total employment).


Translators and interpreters in the EU, 2018


Among the EU Member States, the highest share of translators and interpreters were recorded in Germany (18% of the EU total), followed by the United Kingdom (11%), Spain, France and Poland (each 9%). Together these five EU Member States accounted for over half of all translators and interpreters in the EU (56%).  


This information has been published to mark the occasion of International Translation Day (30 September).


Note: The figures were collected in the EU Labour Force Survey and are based on special data extraction. Data on the number of translators and interpreters in 2018 were not available for Bulgaria, Denmark, Ireland, Latvia and Slovenia.

* indicates low reliability.


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