Zurück Agricultural labour productivity on the rise again

16. Dezember 2019

© Sasa Prudkov/Shutterstock.com

According to the latest data of economic accounts for agriculture, the index for agricultural labour productivity is estimated to have increased slightly for the EU in 2019 (+2%), following on from a decline in 2018, nearing one quarter (+23%) above the level in 2010.


Agricultural labour productivity, 2010 2019

The source dataset is accessible here.


The labour productivity in agricultural industry can be measured as factor income expressed per full-time labour equivalent. It is a measure of the net value added by the equivalent of each full-time worker in the agricultural industry and it is measured in real terms (adjusted for inflation) and expressed as an index (so-called Indicator A). Therefore, the development of this index is influenced by the real income generated in agriculture and/or the changes in labour.

It should not be confused with total income of farming households or the income of a person working in agriculture.


Largest increase recorded in Denmark

After a decline in 2018, a majority of Member States recorded rises in this index of agricultural income in 2019. The highest rates of increases were reported for Denmark (+68%), followed by Estonia (+38%), Germany (+32%), Sweden (+28%) and Lithuania (+27%).

On the other hand, three of the large countries which contribute almost half of the EU factor income reported decreases: Spain (-10%), France (-8%) and Italy (-3%).


Agricultural labour productivity in the EU Member States, 2019

The source dataset is accessible here.


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